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Ask HN: Finding Part Time Work as a Senior Engineer
2 points by p_t_throaway185 27 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Hi there.

I've been thinking for a while that I don't want to work full time anymore. I like working, but I feel I would be much happier if I worked a lot less. Like, 20 hours a week.

I wouldn't mind earning less than half what I earn now. I already save/invest more than half my income, and while I can't live off my savings they are substantial.

I'm just not sure where to start looking. There doesn't seem to be much of offer for part time software engineering positions, and what I can see it's mostly for junior positions. I might be able to convince my current employer, but it seems unlikely.

I've never done consulting or freelancing. I read that it requires a lot of time and effort to find. It sounds daunting and not very fun, but if that's what I should be looking into I'm willing to consider it.

About me:

I live in Madrid, Spain, and I'm not willing to relocate.

I'm currently a Principal Engineer at a FinTech startup. I have 15 years of Software Engineering experience, and a master's degree in Computer Science. I've worked at FAANG, startups, and midsized companies. I'm a generalist: I have worked on Web Dev, Backend, Mobile, video games, hardware control...

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