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So, despite being based on Chromium, there's no Linux builds? Would like to try this but me and my entire team uses Linux.

Hear you! Coming soon. There are some OS specific patches we made to Chromium that make this less straightforward

That is really unfortunate, because it removes the only advantage of using the web to begin with. Hopefully you guys are able to find a solution.

We have Ubuntu and Fedora users through Wine. Not ideal I know, but enough to try out unless you have a super custom Arch setup

I don't see what having an arch setup would have to do with running it through wine, but running your main browser under a heavy compatibility layer is practically unusable in my book. I need my browser to be able to be invoked in no more than a couple hundred milliseconds, while wine programs can sometimes take 5 to 10 seconds to launch.

Yes, the lag is the main problem. Certain distros and setups don’t work with wine. Mine doesn’t, but I’m sure it’s a tractable problem.

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