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Just as an aside and probably a dumb question - is Pirate Bay still a thing? I know they have archival stuff you can access, but I thought Pirate Bay died out a long time ago and even pier to pier networks have all but disappeared with streaming.

I feel like this is kind of a naïve question, but I haven't needed to use pier to pier stuff since streaming did become the standard and remember a lot of articles on Pirate Bay shutting down around 2014. Some of the 1070's movies I've found on YouTube that aren't on any streaming platform like the 1982 movie Dreams Don't Die about a graffiti artist played by Ike Eisenmann.

> pier to pier

I can’t believe that we don’t use this terminology. Of course pirates go from pier to pier. Missed opportunity

Ah yes, the mobile typing got me again.

Thank you for the good chuckle and have an upvote for that.

Yes, the Pirate Bay is still a thing:


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