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I'd expect more and more companies to abandon twitter, or X, as new forms of communication continue to emerge.

Twitter's level of discourse has certainly gotten worse after Elon took it over and cut the staff. So I guess those former twitter employees can feel good about having done something positive when they were at twitter.

I'm a paying subscriber so I can use tweetdeck as that seems to be the only sane way to use twitter.

I subscribe only to accounts for breaking news and analysis.

I don't tweet, or use it for anything recreational and I still get a lot of "death to jews" tweets and porn mixed into my "home" column in twitter as suggested content that I may like.

I'm not really on the left or right political spectrum but I do subscribe to US politicians for the news so I can't say if Elon's new "anything goes" twitter is better for free speech, but it certainly has alot more hate, possibly all bots?

I no longer read anything but initial tweets from the curated users I follow as the comments all seem to invariable have the "death to jews, or the Nword, or just straight up porn in alot of the follow on comments.

heck this was the company that had to completely shut down searching for Taylor Swift because their porn problem was soo bad.

I'm happy Elon found something he likes to do, but man, has twitter ever gotten worse:(

I can see why companies no longer want to pay such large fees for the api as the level of discourse has really gone down, I can also see why advertisers would run away from them. Who wants their brand associated with nazi's?

Sounds like you want an RSS reader instead if you only read it for the news.

There are also some x to fedi proxies.

No need to pay for something that makes you feel bad, as far as I read your comment.

are there rss readers that just send you your subscribed twitter tweets?

I find twitter is really good at breaking news and typical rss is better for things like blogs that update slowly.

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