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Companies will also never remember your hard work when it comes to layoffs. My cousin worked until 1am almost every day from September 2023-January 2024 to complete a poorly managed project. He only had Christmas off because the director thought employees would sue as it is a religious holiday. He missed important events and lost about 20 pounds, because of stress.

The company had a hard deadline to move over to a brand new system. They had 5 years notice and decided not to start it until the year before. If they didn't make the deadline, it would mean millions of dollars in costs because it was outside the contract.

Him and his team made the deadline. His reward was being laid off a few weeks later as his position was eliminated. Now he's over 50 and trying to find work in a terrible time to look for a job.

The company didn't remember his long hours, but I bet his family will remember it for a long time.

This is awful in so many ways

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