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U.S. makes about half of the chips it consumes. But none of them are leading-edge. Which makes me assume that U.S. is about or almost self-sufficient in much older ones. That will hardly help much though. Happily, at least West produces entire set of tools needed to produce the chips. So Taiwan is just a matter of cost. At higher prices, they will be made elsewhere when needed, in some time - there's no barrier to that.

> Taiwan is just a matter of cost

Just because you can manufacture lathes doesn't mean you can turn e.g. a Turner's Cube [1]. (Scalpels: surgeons, et cetera.)

[1] https://www.instructables.com/Turners-Cube-Manual-Machine/

> So Taiwan is just a matter of cost

If that was the case, Intel would have thrown all their $$$ in and won already. Not so simple.

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