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Well, for me being in UE with eIDAS docs I have just a response: implement eIDAS and I'll give you a certified ID out of my public docs, nothing else. If you want a proof of my identity you'll get the best proof. Otherwise you just want to scam me or you live in another world.

eIDAS could be simply described as "a smart-card in any documents" (so far some UE state have started with identity cards, some with drive permit as well, nothing different than classic/modern e-passports) you can use with a reader and a PIN to identify yourself. The main usage so far is almost only for public administration services but some example of private use are discussed and used ante-litteram for instance as a proof of majority for buying cigarettes on vending machines, some discuss the option of a public SSO identifying a citizen who allow send SOME (detailed in the redirect page) to a private party. Nothing exists AFAIK outside the public but it start to spread. The public became the guarantor of the citizen's identity.

Outside EU various countries have some form of e-IDs so... It's just about time to steamline them ALSO for contract signing instead of absurd SMS-based signature on third parties.

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