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This is factually untrue, easily disprovable by checking the chart over 3 months - https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/DJT.

What are you going to do now? Claim that going from $66 to $22 isn't a crash?

Hey I'm no Trump fan but you're doing the same thing. Looking at the whole chart it clearly never crashed. There was a blip up for like one day that you conveniently picked as your high point and a day or so of driving price but overall given its a meme stock the price generally stayed about the same. Crash I'd define personally as 90% price collapse with no bounce back. What I see in the chart I'd call a significant short term decline after being overbought.

Your definition would exclude basically every crash other than https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Crash_of_1929, which entailed a “89.2% loss for the index”. Even then, it came back eventually.

When the "flash crash" happened in 2010 it was a 9% drop. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_flash_crash

$22 is half the average for the months preceding the drop, and 1/3 the peak, with a sustained drop for more than two weeks straight. That’d be called a crash by pretty much anyone.

65% is owned by 1 person so lets ignore that percentage for the purposes of describing a 'crash' as that 1 person wouldn't crash it themselves intentionally.

Now you're left with 35% for retail and institutional investors.

$66 to $22 is just under a 35% drop. Smells like a crash to me.

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