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The so-called "tech" companies love to tell the world, especially their advertiser customers, how they know "everything" about the people who use their websites, with ridicuouls claims such as knowing more about users than users' own friends and family. Certainly the knowledge they claim to have would include the age. If not, then any claims by so-called "tech" companies that they can serve targeted advertising to people in a certain age bracket are false.

Whereas if their claims are true, and they do know the age of their website users, then these so-called "tech" companies can solve this problem without needing to do age verfication. By not targeting people in certain age brackets with certain content, they can stop the politicians from proposing legislation that requires age verification. But they refuse to do so.


wouldn't they have to guarantee no false positives ever? so any child being misidentified as an adult would be a problem. the result would be that the targeting is so strict that to many adults would be excluded. and that matters even more if we consider that young adults are among the most lucrative demographic, which makes false positives more likely.

you can easily tell a 30 year old from a 10 year old. but can you tell a 12 year old from a 15 year old? or a 15yr old from a 20yr old?

so tech companies want a system that is approved so that they are not responsible if it fails

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