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Ultimately the internet is a lawless extremely low trust place, because it isn't limited by borders, so there is no effective law enforcement over a significant fraction of the people on it. Hosting providers bear a fair bit of the brunt of this because they're a staging ground for doing actually evil things.

I want to work with high trust places. I don't want an IP address that was just being used to hack people. I don't want to have to jump through hoops that verify I'm not doing evil things before doing things. I want to be offered things that can't be offered to people who are abusing trust, like generous free trials.

Verifying I'm an actual person in a place where they can pursue me through a functional legal system and functional law enforcement agencies is a step that allows the trust level to be stepped up slightly from "literally none". That's a good thing IMHO.

And I already have no privacy when I'm paying with a credit card under my real name. There's no actual cost here to me.

That said, I'd be very careful I was actually sending that information to a reputable hosting company, because the internet is a lawless place and there are definitely people who would try and pretend to be your hosting company.

> I want to work with high trust places. I don't want an IP address that was just being used to hack people

Then don't use OVH :)

Maybe, I don't have any real opinions on them, but wherever they are this is a step in the right direction with regards to that.

> I want to work with high trust places.

OK, so get off the Internet. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us.

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