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That ship sailed with Quantum physics. Nearly perfect at prediction, very poor at giving us a concrete understanding of what it all means.

This has happened before. Newtonian mechanics was incomprehensible spooky action at a distance, but Einstein clarified gravity as the bending of spacetime.

I think this relies on either the word “concrete” or a particular choice of sense for “concrete understanding”.

Like, quantum mechanics doesn’t seem, to me, to just be a way of describing how to predict things. I view it as saying substantial things about how things are.

Sure, there are different interpretations of it, which make the same predictions, but, these different interpretations have a lot in common in terms of what they say about “how the world really is” - specifically, they have in common the parts that are just part of quantum mechanics.

The qau that can be spoken in plain language without getting into the mathematics, is not the eternal qau, or whatever.

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