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Copyright is in dire need of reforms.

Those laws were mostly made before perfect digital copies, but also before digital enforcement and "licensing“ instead of ownership.

There needs to be some overhauls to fix the damage Disney et al. did to our copyright system. The Copyright Act of 1976 and later Copyright Term Extension Act did so much damage to the concept of public domain. Being able to own exclusive control over a work for up to 120 years is insane.

I think capping copyright at 20 years would do wonders.

After 20 years everyone's gotten paid and can move onto other projects.

I can never imagine this happening though. It's too profitable to keep milking the rare hit IP for decades. For example, Harry Potter has already made JK Rolling a billionaire. She'd be fine if the books went public domain.

So many works will be lost since they're no longer available legally. All that artistic effort, gone.

> capping copyright at 20 years would do wonders

You’d probably have to grandfather in copyrights made before the law went into effect. Too much money tied up in the long-tail of prior works.

Of course you'd grandfather in older works. But it's a moot point, in most places money is more important than access to art. I can't imagine such a law ever being passed.

The tragedy here is so much will simply disappear. Original publisher doesn't want to do a re-issue, how will you access it in 30 years?

I assume you'd start archiving right now when it's available. In 20 years it'll be public domain and freely accessible.

Would definitely like if items weren't stuck in the form you got them.

A movie on VHS seems entirely reasonable to convert to DVD or w/e so long as you don't then sell the VHS while keeping the DVD.

Image not being able to frame a poster because it didn't come in a frame to begin with.

> Those laws were mostly made before perfect digital copies

There are a variety of arguments used to justify copyright, ranging from philosophical to economical, and I can't think of any of them whose validity or lack thereof depends on whether or not copies are perfect.

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