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Show HN: Simple email scraper from social media and maps (socleads.com)
1 point by evganin 31 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
It's my first time launching my own SaaS. I planned to develop it with a friend, but he refused to work with me because his developer skills are higher (in his opinion). I developed a simple online email scraper by keyword, hashtag, or followers using Google Search as a source of data (with Dorks)

I will be glad to receive any feedback and suggestions.

So it's a spamming tool?

Can be used for this purpose. But I don't recommend it.It is necessary to choose the CIP correctly so that it does not look like spam.

> Can be used for this purpose. But I don't recommend it.

But your tool is empowering it.

A lot of tools can empower it. Apollo, Instantly, Zoominfo. They have a billion-dollar capitalization and are not prohibited.

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