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Making up what? Go drop by your nearby shop. My hair styling constantly complains about management software that they use and quality of payment integration. At work I constantly hear complaints about shitty, slow IDEs. At optician store guy been complaining about inventory system.

People hate software that they're forced to use. Professionals are better at tolerating crapware, because there's usually sunk cost fallacy involved.

There are only two types of software: those that people hate and those that nobody uses (a paraphrase)

<painfully earnest nerd>

Well actually, I use FreeBSD as my daily driver (on a used ThinkPad I bought for 300 euros), and I love it. :D

</painfully earnest nerd>

okay, now you're going to tell me that FreeBSD is in the "software nobody uses" category isn't it?

This is not a reasonable way to infer the sentiment of hundreds of millions of people in different countries, different business, different situations, etc, etc.

Disguising it as an "observation" is even more ridiculous.

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