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Yes that's two different ways to say the same thing.

    With respect to flossing, this shouldn’t have been news either. A systematic review in 2011 concluded that, in adults, toothbrushing with flossing versus toothbrushing alone most likely reduced gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums. But there was really weak evidence that it reduced plaque in the short term. There was no evidence that it reduced cavities. That’s pretty much what we learned recently.
"Surprisingly little evidence for usual wisdom about teeth (nytimes.com)" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19706409 (https://archive.is/e1jcB)

Different types of bacteria cause cavities as opposed to those causing periodontal disease. The former are caused by obligate aerobes, the latter by facultative anaerobes and are far more dangerous. The purpose of flossing is to get at the plaque (which forms tartar within 1-3 days) that exists interdentally and below the gum-line.

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