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See my reply to the person that beat you to it:

> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40292804

tl;dr is that Walmart is also selling an Acer for $359 that beats that device on every headline metric.

It's nice to know that I could get the old-gen model for slightly cheaper, but that's still an outrageous price if the MacBook Air isn't to be considered a luxury item.

It’s half the price because by the time the MacBook Air dies you’re on your second or third acer.

My last Acer lasted me six years until I decided to replace it for more power (which, notably, I would have done with a MacBook by then too). They're not as well built as a MacBook, but they're well built enough for the average laptop turnover rate.

That’s fair

The apple defense force would rather die than admit that Apple hardware is overpriced and a bad value.

8gb of ram was pathetic in 2018, and is SUPER pathetic in 2024.

If it was actually bad value they wouldn't sell as high as they do and review with as much consumer satisfaction as they do.

These products may not offer you much value and you don't have to buy them. Clearly plenty of people and institutions bought them because they believed they offered the best value to them.

If people were actually rational that might be true, but they aren't. Apple survives entirely on the fact that they have convinced people they are cool, not because they actually provide good value.

Any examples where they don't provide good value?

Agreed. I'd definitely make the same arguments here as I would for an Audi. There's clearly a market, and that means they're not a bad value for a certain type of person.

All I kmow about Audi is that it costd $14,000 to repair a scape from a parking garage wall.

There's literally dozens of videos show that 8 GB is more than enough for casual or even entry level development use.


> tl;dr is that Walmart is also selling an Acer for $359 that beats that device on every headline metric.

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