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The classic description for this is "being out of touch" with the given media. Not sure if it's something to be proud of.

There is nothing more freeing than being "out of touch" with media. I got rid of my TV in 2000, and my life improved dramatically. I stopped playing AAA in 2009, and my life improved dramatically. Indie games, specifically the Godot dev scene, is where the real innovation in gaming is happening. When AAA implodes, you'll learn what you were missing all along.

It just sounds like you mainly like 2d platformers and open source (which is fine). But Godot isn't nearly the best engine to use for 3D, and arguably may not even the best of the open soucre engines (for example O3DE may be better, although almost no one is using it right now). Most 3D indie devs are using Unity and many are switching to Unreal now just like AAA (for example Palwolrd). I think "out of touch" here means making false claims about something you (not you specifically but GP) don't even care to know about.

I develop games in 3D using Godot. It's quite good for the task. Especially 4.3 dev builds.

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