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> We don't generate OpenPGP keys on the server, we generate them in the client, and then encrypt them with a key derived from your password (which we never send to the server), and store the encrypted key on the server.

I see, I stand corrected then. Thanks for clarifying. The Proton Mail interface contains buttons labeled "generate" so I got the impression it was being generated in the server. Is this password-derived key the "account key" which I see in the Proton Mail settings interface?

Please clarify what key derivation function is being used. The OpenPGP S2K which gpg uses is outdated and probably not secure enough. I know that Proton Mail is involved in the OpenPGP standards body in an effort to modernize it and that the new RFC contains support for the memory hard argon2 algorithm. Is that what's being used? If so then I would believe that it's even more secure than the encryption that gpg applies to the exported key output.

Are there instructions for verifying that all this is happening? I think a lot of folks on HN won't be convinced otherwise.

> We do support "GNU Dummy" keys now (which is what `gpg --export-secret-subkeys` creates).

Wow that is GREAT and the exact information I wanted! I only believed otherwise because of the documented instructions, which contain the command I posted above. I double checked with Proton Mail support as well but everything led to believe that this was not supported when in fact it was.

Please add this fact to your documentation and instruct your support staff about this!!

> I would argue that the private key material of the subkeys (used to encrypt and sign your emails) is actually much more important in this case (but of course we don't have access to that either).

I agree. Those are the keys which sign and encrypt the data after all.

It's just that I'm going to create an OpenPGP identity for things like signing code commits on git, signing packages I publish. I'm putting quite a bit of effort into getting it right. I printed out the master key to paper in paperkey and QR code format. I even contributed code to ZBar to add binary decoding support so that the key backup is easy to restore. I'll also be making an effort to join the decentralized web of trust.

So I was really hoping to be able to use Proton Mail with this identity instead of the key pair that's generated for the account. This way the emails I send can be signed by the same identity that I'll publish on the OpenPGP key servers. Looks like it's going to be possible after all.

Thanks for reaching out here on HN. I've been a really happy Proton Mail customer and now I'm even happier.

> Is this password-derived key the "account key" which I see in the Proton Mail settings interface?

No, the account key is an OpenPGP key which is encrypted with a key derived from your password. The "key encryption key" is not separately visible. The address keys are in turn encrypted using the account key. (The account keys are also used to encrypt your contacts, for example, which are shared between all your addresses - while the address keys are specific to an email address and are used to encrypt emails etc.)

> Please clarify what key derivation function is being used.

We use bcrypt, in addition to the OpenPGP S2K (i.e. the bcrypt output is fed as the "password" to OpenPGP's key encryption).

We are in the process of rolling out updates to OpenPGP.js and GopenPGP which support Argon2 for the OpenPGP S2K step, after which we'll start using that - but we aren't quite yet.

> Are there instructions for verifying that all this is happening? I think a lot of folks on HN won't be convinced otherwise.

Take a look at https://github.com/ProtonMail/WebClients/blob/main/packages/..., for example. Though to be honest, if you want to verify that we aren't sending the password to the server anywhere, in principle you'd have to check the code of the entire web app (or whichever app you're using). It's all open source, but it's a lot of work, of course. But you can also check the latest audit report: https://proton.me/blog/security-audit. They also verified all of this stuff.

> It's just that I'm going to create an OpenPGP identity for things like signing code commits on git, signing packages I publish. (...) So I was really hoping to be able to use Proton Mail with this identity instead of the key pair that's generated for the account.

Yeah, I understand. Though the typical advice from a cryptographer's perspective would be, it's better to use separate keys for separate purposes; and the simplest way to do that is to generate separate OpenPGP certificates, so that's what we'd generally recommend. But, if you want to generate separate subkeys and sign them all using a common primary key, that's also reasonable enough. And, we can improve the documentation on that, although it's a bit of a niche use case (not for HN of course, but for the general audience it is).

> Thanks for reaching out here on HN. I've been a really happy Proton Mail customer and now I'm even happier.

Thanks, glad to hear! :)

Thanks for clarifying.

> although it's a bit of a niche use case (not for HN of course, but for the general audience it is)

No doubt about that. Safe to assume that 99% of your users will not know or care about this. That's why I want to thank you for supporting this advanced key management feature for those of us who want it. To me that's evidence that Proton Mail takes OpenPGP seriously.

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