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Catastrophic Disk Failure at musl.cc (archive.org)
1 point by 1vuio0pswjnm7 30 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments


   echo https://musl.cc \
   |yy025 \
   |openssl s_client -connect -ign_eof


   printf 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: musl.cc\r\n\r\n' \
   |openssl s_client -connect -ign_eof

    We'll be right back:
       Catastrophic disk failure; recovering as much data as possible.
       New toolchains are being rebuilt now and will be uploaded soon.
       In the interim, use https://git.zv.io/toolchains/musl-cross-make to build from source.
       If you use Docker you can still pull 'muslcc/i686:&lt;toolchain-triple&gt;' specified in 'scripts/triples.txt'.
    Need help? Email me/zv/io.
NB. If use a popular, graphical browser then will not see this message.

Seems to be the same content as: https://musl.cc/ What's archive adding?

If there’s a disk failure, the archive is useful to determine what’s missing.

If there is none, they probably restored from a backup…but that’s the trick…

Are they truly identical or does it merely seem that way…

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