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OpenAI API Partnership with Stack Overflow (openai.com)
24 points by siddharthgoel88 21 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Can't wait for the AI to tell me my question is a duplicate and I should write it in JS by importing that single npm library anyway.

I personally hope to see a really compelling hallucination showing how to parse HTML with Regex.


I'm not sure which is worse; the fact that this is plausible, or the fact that I opened this thread to say almost exactly the same thing.

On April Fools' Day they should change the prompt so it always tells you to use jQuery for any JS question.

"What are you 5? We use j-JQuery."


You mean stack overflow contributors will be rewarded for making OpenAI models better? Or maybe it's just that both companies want to maximize their profit by exploiting these unpaid contributors?

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