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Me and Adobe right there.

They want me to pay a subscription, but as long as Windows will still open CS6, I'll keep using it. It still gets the job done for me, even though I wouldn't mind some of the newer features (some of my annoyances I know they've improved in the new version) and probably would have paid for an upgrade by now if it wasn't all subscription models now.

And hopefully by the time it stops working, another non-subscription option for Illustrator that I don't hate will be available.

A great list of alternatives has been floating around on Twitter after their AI debacle: https://twitter.com/WayneTalbot/status/1786703024330588237

I really enjoy the Affinity tools; they more than meet my modest requirements.

I didn't like Affinity or Inkscape when I tried them (I even bought Affinity on a sale in order to try it, so I own it). Affinity also had issues importing my CS6 Illustrator files, IIRC, and since I have hundreds of those for various board game designs of mine that I still go back to and rework when I have a new idea for them, the fact that it couldn't play nice with them made it pretty much a nonstarter.

It's been a while since I've used Inkscape, but I remember it feeling clunky and buggy for me, and I had difficulty getting into the workflow.

I'm sure I could probably force myself to get used to, and probably enjoy alternatives, but the more I invest in these proprietary alternatives, the harder it will be to shift anything back to Illustrator if I need to, especially since I don't think any of them bother to output to a CS6 friendly file format anymore, so I can shift to them, but I can't easily shift out of them.

And at this point Illustrator CS6 is just dead simple for me, I don't have to think about where anything is, I know exactly what I need to do for like 98% of what I want to do on it, and most of it is muscle memory, I can whip up some cards in a few hours while watching TV shows in the background.

It's going to take something significant (like it no longer working) to motivate me enough to upgrade. I know I'm playing with fire a bit, since these files are getting more and more out of date, and may not import nicely into even the subscription Adobe Illustrator at some point, but I already have too much other shit I have to learn all the time for my day job, I don't have much left outside of that (maybe eventually I will. I am starting to learn Logic Pro and Ableton Live for making music finally, and for the longest time I only used FLStudio).

That's a cool graphic though. I'll download it for future reference. Also it'll be easier for me to convert for other Adobe products, like I mostly use Paint.NET instead of Photoshop nowadays, for example. Illustrator is the main one I feel I have to stick with. Also Flash, since it doesn't exist in any newer ones (I used to make Flash games, so if I want to open those FLA files again, I need it).

>> I really enjoy the Affinity tools; they more than meet my modest requirements.


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