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This topic resurfaces quite frequently, I've noticed. One thing I find quite frustrating is that most of the time this is discussed, people don't remember that exposing the creation time of a database row to the public is not acceptable in many systems. This makes v7 UUIDs, ULIDs, KSUIDs, etc. not appropriate for the task.

In any application where the user is able to first create a draft of something (a video upload, a news article, a blog post, ...) and then release it some day in the future, we probably don't want the public to be aware of when the author created the initial draft. For instance, news websites often start drafting articles about people that are speculated to pass away soon.

The problem also affects numeric/auto-incremented IDs. The "Finnish BBC" YLE uses numeric IDs in their news article URLs, making it possible to ballpark when the article was first started. Here's [1] an article about the death of former president Martti Ahtisaari from 2023/10/16 and here's [2] the next integer ID dated 2023/5/5 (5 months before).

[1] https://yle.fi/a/74-20030335

[2] https://yle.fi/a/74-20030336

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