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> not what I meant

> the libs are all in C

Yeah node uses bindings too, examples:

node-llama-cpp (C++)... node-SDL (C)...

Why wouldn't it also be true for mechatronics? Have some native bindings for C libraries then you can write Node or Python and still use the machine code where needed. Speaking of which:

> The speed of the underlying execution is not meaningfully affected by the speed of the Python interpreter

Wouldn't both JIT vs not JIT have an impact on speed, and also some of the "heuristical" stuff V8 does?

I wouldn't rule out JavaScript for mechatronics, everything ends up in JavaScript.

That's a good point.

I suppose my knee-jerk reaction was driven by "interpreted languages are not suitable for low-resource machines," because the fixed overhead of booting up a Javascript or Python interpreter/JIT are comparatively higher in embedded environments. But the space nowadays is a lot bigger/wider than the traditional "embedded" space (where 4KB of RAM is a luxury), so there's no reason a drone or robot can't have a few gigs of RAM and multiple cores to use. So Javascript/Python is probably fine for a huge category of mechatronics applications.

Thanks for discussing with me. :)

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