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One hardly needs to be either a leftist or angry about anything to accept the rather obvious critique of capitalism that the general lack of durable products on the market provokes. It is fairly uncontroversial that designed obsolescence is ubiquitous.

> accept the rather obvious critique of capitalism that the general lack of durable products on the market provokes

This doesn't have anything to do with capitalism, but apathy of consumers. The lack of durable products is because consumers don't value durable products enough to seek them out and pay more for them. In a communist or command economy, the exact same thing would happen if the leader decreed that goods needed to be cheaply made. There's nothing intrinsic to capitalism here.


> Are we now so desperate to defend capitalism that we're going to pretend shareholder value isn't the primary goal

This kind of content isn't appropriate for HN.

Ironically accurate.

You should read and think about the HN guidelines, and whether your comments are motivated by curiousity and intellect, or base emotions and religious dogma.



The deception and malice that you've shown in this thread is incredible.

> I'm not the one that defaulted to pointing at the guidelines when my views were challenged.

I pointed at the guidelines because you're blatantly and flagrantly violating them, and refusing to read them.

I also successfully defended my views using logic and reason. You resorted to redirection ("Lowering production costs and increasing sales volume are both achieved by producing lower quality merchandise" is irrelevant and betrays a total lack of understanding as to how capitalism works) and base emotional manipulation (such as "Are we now so desperate to defend capitalism that we're going to pretend shareholder value isn't the primary goal" and "accept the rather obvious critique of capitalism" and "ironically accurate" and "Have a nice day" as a way to terminate an argument in a belligerent manner).

Your attitude is utterly unsuitable for Hacker News. We do not want comments like this here, that intentionally lie and spread false information and dodge questions and emotionally manipulate.

If you refuse to read the guidelines, you should not post. Reddit is a better place for comments such as the ones you've been making.

"intentionally lie and spread false information and dodge questions and emotionally manipulate"

Ok so pointing to designed obsolescence as an obvious failure of capitalism is which of these things?

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