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One huge caution about this - this uses RefCell*-like semantics which means that the borrow/borrow_mut checking is not thread-safe. This is dangerous because in the docs they have examples of shared_ptr in there but using that from multiple threads would be UB - there's 0 cases where this + shared_ptr makes sense unless you transparently upgraded to an atomics-based variant. Similarly, in a thread-aware implementation you'd expect more efficient handling of locks as well (i.e. borrow / borrow_mut would just acquire a lock and return a proxy without any additional borrow checks).

The other footgun is that there's no concept of a non-owning pointer which is dangerous - there are several equally dominant conventions in C++: naked pointers might be heap allocated, it might represent an optional const&, or it might be a pointer to the stack. Ingesting naked pointers should probably require an explicit annotation instead of assuming it's a new'ed pointer.

It's a neat idea, but I suspect this particular implementation is likely to introduce more UB, not less, because of the thread-safety footguns. In a single-threaded system, the borrow checker doesn't add a huge amount. The biggest gain is of lifetime enforcement which this doesn't get you. Also because you have to construct these Vals at point of initialization of your value, it's viral. Upgrading input arguments to use this can be dangerous if dealing with pointers.

* For C++ users, RefCell is a compile-time borrow checker escape hatch to do the checking at runtime instead - you can borrow immutably as many times xor borrow once mutably - anything else is a abort.

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