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I browse the web in multiple languages. I don't even know how to change my Accept-Language headers. I prefer to be able to just choose the language while I'm browsing. That also lets me easily see what languages the site actually offers.

I also browse the web in multiple languages. Accept-Language follows the language selection of the browser or OS (sadly Apple is kinda stupid so they only use the first language configured in system preferences, if you configure multiple languages in Firefox's preferences it actually follows that).

I absolutely love when websites randomly pick a language I can't read, which is not anywhere in my accept-languages (which does contain languages they do support), with a language selector hidden somewhere unspecified on the page. It's even better when I need to go through a cookie popup I can't bypass in that language I can't read without a language selector before I can do anything else.

That second paragraph is sarcastic, just in case.

> It's even better when I need to go through a cookie popup I can't bypass in that language I can't read without a language selector before I can do anything else.

But if you could read, you wouldn't consent to it...

I often can't even consent, because I don't even know what button would be "Yes sure I'll sell my soul to you for no consideration that sounds great".

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