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Theres nothing special about unique_ptr, if you dont want allocations and youre ok with just moving your values around directly, you use value and move semantics.

Move and value (deep copy) semantics exist in Rust too, but neither of those does the same thing as passing a raw pointer (or reference). Which you can do in c++, but not safely. That’s the difference with Rust.

In C or C++ if a function/method takes a raw pointer (or some other lifetime-constrained type like string_view), I have no idea if it’s going to stash it somewhere and try to look at it again later. If it returns a raw pointer or reference, I don’t know whether it is going to get invalidated by some future call. Iterator invalidation is a huge source of UB in C++ but completely unknown in rust.

Clearly having a hash map where all the values are stored indirectly in shared_ptr would let you provide a safe access API, but would be horrible for performance. In Rust you can have the safe API without compromising on efficiency.

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