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The layout doesn’t work well on the iPhone 13 mini. The form is too wide for portrait, and when I rotate my screen and tap the keyboard comes up and I can’t see much of anything. After dismissing the keyboard I need to scroll a bit, but the dropdown menus seem to get wonky when I scroll if they are open.

I like the idea though. The first recommendation is gave me for a relaxing Sunday afternoon is a movie I have enjoyed watching on a relaxing Sunday afternoon in the past.

Another recommend it gave seemed to be a foreign language film subtitled in English. Having a setting to only be in a user’s native language would be good. Subtitles are fine sometimes, but depending on my mood or if I’ll be doing something else while watching, I want the option to just listen and not read the whole time.

I've fixed the form sizing now, that was something I planned to but forgot to implement. It was a simple fix.

For the language filtering, I'll work on that.


Thanks! It’s much more usable now.

The drop downs still act a bit wired. It’s almost like a parallax effect.

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