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Telegram is not end to end encrypted, and thus not suitable for such uses due to insecurity.

Telegram has cloud encryption via MTProto 2.0. The servers use a distributed key generation mechanism.

Cloud encryption is just HTTPs + encryption at rest (only claimed, not verified).

They hold the keys, irrespective of how many proprietary protocols they wrap over the message.

A great product tho! I used saved messages extensively!

> Cloud encryption is just HTTPs + encryption at rest

Not just plain-old HTTPs. MTProto 2.0 is a whole encryption algorithm for Cloud chats: https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/AJiEAwIYFoAsBGJBjZwYoQIwFM...

In the end, they hold the keys irrespective of how many algorithms they wrap on top.

I do not feel it is any different from Google Chat, Twitter DMs, etc. They do have a lot of censorship resistant and anti-MITM attack features in between, but they hold the keys by default

I use it for convenience and amazing features, not for security!

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