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> It must be terrible to be Arrowhead; they have to sit by and watch while their player base implodes because of a Sony edict.

Or, you know, don't make agreements that will upset your player base? I'm sure they never were forced to do anything Sony says, except if they entered into a business agreement with Sony, which again, is their own choice, and the developer knew about these requirements from the beginning, but made the requirement optional as they didn't get the technical details right at launch to require PSN.

It must great to be Arrowhead, where players seemingly blame the publisher like the developer has no responsibility over their own game.

Not only this, but I am not convinced that Arrowhead are entirely on the up and up about blaming Sony. I've seen too many places where the Sony messaging is pretty clear about accounts not being required. It seems very strange that Sony decides to make the policy change with this game without updating the policy.

This. Everyone defending AH as if they are the victim here. Smh

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