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Provide a link to Stallman using that term then please? Otherwise, I'm calling nonsense. I'd be 95+% sure you're making that up, or confused in this case.

He's not using "computard" but he loves to undermine his credibility by talking about the "Amazon Swindle" and such.

Ok, so, the thing I was replying to was just someone claiming false things as I imagined. Glad we cleared it up.

No, you just misunderstood what OP meant by "this". They meant using portmanteau neologisms, and you thought they meant that specific portmanteau.

No need to be nasty about it.

I didn't mean to be nasty - I was, apparently, misunderstanding OP's original message. In my defense, the causal link between these three things:

1. Person A in their blog appears to be using a weird portmanteau, "computard" 2. "Some famous people like Stallman do this" (referring to portmanteaus, and making up words, in general, and not the specific portmanteau person A used) 3. "People" maybe don't perceive that positively (making up portmanteaus..?)

is more than a bit hard to follow.

Anyway, I thought an obviously false claim was being made, but if it's just a few loose amalgamations and people brandishing their opinions about, well that's fine, it is the internet, after all.

Yes, I meant his practice of coming up with silly nicknames for things he dislikes, not that he used this one specifically.

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