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Google Fit is being replaced by Goolge Fitbit, but as usual with Google what is really happening is Google is one by one replacing the sections of the original Fitbit app with the Google Fit interface. The first thing that got replaced is the Fitbit Sleep tracking, and believe me when I say what Google did is an abomination in terms of UI/UX design. The previous Fitbit sleep tracking screen was near perfection of readability and clarity. The new one is Google's usual form-over-function design language where the most important metric (weekly-view sleep score) is hidden and requires many taps to access.

Honestly the Fitbit UI has always been terrible, so they are only making it worse than terrible.

Imho the app was pretty fancy early on.

The sleep stages/timeline graph now looks more like a scatter plot than a progression of sleep states.

Example screenshots


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