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I think we should rebrand Walpurgisnacht as, “Boba Nacht”. Or maybe “Bubble Tea Nacht”? I don’t know what the equivalent German would be lol

According to https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_Tea (easily accessible via dropdown from the english-language wikipedia), it's sadly Denglish: „der Bubble Tea“

(but by the time it gets its own DIN maybe it'll become „der Kaugummiähnlichtapiokaperlenkondensmilchhonigeinwegeistee“?)

Maybe there could be a Madoka pop-up.

Given how the scene played out, there could be a giant Walpurgisnacht witch float and there could be a procession of the familiars after her. Or that who freaking circus that we see for like two seconds.

Madoka is heavily inspired by Goethe's Faust [0]! Walpurgisnacht is a (rather irrelevant) scene in the latter, iirc one episode had random quotes on the wall, and the thematic similarities are very hard to not notice.

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goethe%27s_Faust

Sometimes you don't even get to make the deal with the devil, you make the deal to get rid of the devil: https://americanliterature.com/author/o-henry/short-story/th...

I like the idea of mashing up Nietzsche's Abyss with Moore's Rorschach: "None of you abysses understand. I'm not stuck here gazing into you. You're stuck here gazing into me."


Radio Yerevan was asked: "Is it true that the Capitalists are standing on the edge of an abyss?"

Radio Yerevan answers: "Yes, true. And our goal: to catch up and go beyond them!"

PS. If there were a bounty, my entry would be not DE:Boba Nacht, but rather FR:Boba Fête...

Knew I couldn't be the only one.

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