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FWIW, it would be unusual to have a practitioner refer to any of those things as a form of medicine, alternative or otherwise. I'm sure you could find examples of them doing so by scouring around enough, but it's not the norm.

I'm not familiar with the wikipedia articles, but they may be being maintained by people with a chip on their shoulder and a lack of real-world exposure. That happens often. Some people get really weird about unfamiliar things and the feel duty-bound to write critically about them from a shallow and biased perspective.

In any case, rolfing is essentially just a specific form of (very) deep tissue massage and the other two are roughly equivalent practices in body awareness and paying attention to how one moves. They're common in performance studies (acting, dance, etc) but have lost the attention of the broader public over the last few decades and so you won't find them as easily as you do (say) yoga studios now.

All three are, ultimately, soothing experiences and generally provide immediate relief of acute tension and pain, but that's no more a claim of "medicine" than it would be to suggest someone might help to breathe deeply, lay in a dark room for while, or take any other kind of massage (as the OP already suggested they do).

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