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Ask HN: How to sell a product in a data-intesive sector with no prior data?
1 point by savrum 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite
I've worked in a local e-ticketing company and after quitting my job with pandemic, I have built a commission-free and service fee free e-ticketing gateway platform for event organizers.

For those who don't know, e-ticketing industry in my country (Türkiye) is mainly run by Ticketmaster and other big companies who charge commissions around 10.00% and service fees projected to customers between 5.00% - 10.00% + service fee. They usually pay the total amount after event is done which leaves organizers in overnight interest loss up to 3v months.

I've built a platform that you can embed a simple web widget to sell tickets and get paid to their bank account directly from the website or instagram. Also I've agreed with a local vPOS/payment provider gateway company that will solve the e-commerce onboarding part and can offer credit card fees as low as 2.00% for the organizers.

I believe my product is superior in many ways but most of the time I face "they have a quite big customer base, they have data, they are the ones that are selling the tickets" behavior. I don't know how to compete with such circumstance.

Any experience from founders or sales people is much appreciated, I can demo/pitch the product on demand (It's a local product but if you wish to see, https://demo.hibilet.com)


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