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Historians like to name things after weapons technology eras

Stone tools were not really weapons. Some could have been used that way but most of the tools we’ve found were about obtaining and preparing food and clothing. And maybe about shaping wood.

Many stone tools were not weapons, but already the Neanderthals used spear points made of stone, which were glued on wooden hafts.

Later, the modern humans used frequently arrow points made of stone.

Glue is actually surprising item. Seems like first examples of simple glues is 200 ky ago and compound 70 ky... Really makes one think what is and what is not primitive.

It’s hard not to know about glue when so much tree sap is basically glue.

Boiled animal parts also turn into glue.

They like to name the eras after the relics they find. And since wood rots, the name "stone age" may be a great example of survivorship bias.

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