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Draw image to canvas in the browser. Read image from canvas. Upload. If you are completely paranoid you could then upload raw pixel data only and construct whatever image format you wanted server side.

The user could push the file to the endpoint directly without using the client-side functionality.

I think the idea is that a browser needs to do this conversion to display images, so you'd be writing a http client that will run server-side and process each uploaded file as if it were a http response. It'd need to be transmissible via screenshot at this point, right?

By running a web browser on the server you are at square one again: running the encoder on the server, which is risky.

In this case isn't the browser decoding the image and drawing a bitmap? That sounds more like a critical vulnerability in e.g. Chrome.

In my mind the chain of events looks like: - Alice uploads an image file to Bob's file server - Charlie's image converter server invokes a local browser with the address of the file on Bob's server, resulting in a .bmp (or .png? a little out of my element here) saved to Charlie's server. - Doris can now pull images from Charlie's server knowing they've been vetted by a major browser.

Does that make sense?

Yes, which outsources the problem to Charlie. Charlie has to firewall and lockdown that browser as much as possible to reduce the risk of Alice pwning Charlie, else Charlie's server could (among other things) be made to taint all output files. Browsers are not magically immune, they also just call decoder libraries.

Did you forget to never trust the client? Please tell me you haven't built any products using this philosophy.

It's not a terrible idea... This doesn't "trust" the client, it just interprets the data that the client sent as an array of pixel values. In a memory safe language (e.g. JS, C#, Go, Rust, ...), that would make it basically impossible to pwn: the worst thing an attacker could do is upload an arbitrary image.

My sibling comments are the terrible sort of ‘instead of applying your own logic, blindly and sometimes incorrectly pattern match against a checklist of ‘best practices’’ internet lectures. Image processing exploits almost always exist at the decompression stage. Once you’re processing a bitmap of pixels, there is a whole lot less that can go wrong. Having decompression happen at the client has an obvious performance impact. Ignoring that though, given that it implicitly involves changing the server-side API, it’s not “trusting the client”. It very clearly offloads a bunch of risk. The underlying premise is that raw image data is harder to shove an exploit in. People are so quick to lecture others before thinking twice.

Thanks for one of the only rational replies to this thread. I often hold back from commenting at all on HN as the replies are so often full of low effort non-constructive criticisms.

Cool you have a bitmap. Now what? You're going to distribute all that child porn people enclosed in the bitmap (byte array) that doesn't render as a valid image?

It's just not secure - anything you do on the client can be trvially circumvented.

The imaging handling libraries I. Those langs are almost all written in C/C++. If you’re just wrapping ffmpeg or imagemagick or libpng you’re not really protected from much of anything.

False security, if anything.

The image is still being posted somewhere, right? What guarantee do you have that it was your wasm blob doing the post vs some j33t haxxors curl command from his kali vm?

So you're just making your own image format with no compression?

A 1080p image with 8 bits per channel would be 6 MB. Real mobile-friendly...

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