The silent majority, given the numbers cited above and general consensus.
>I deeply appreciate your reply. This is extremely important.
>The wording is what it's all about. When we put it into terms like "pro-life"/"pro-choice" - it does nothing to address the hard realities which need to be addressed when writing law.
The "clump of cells" term is equally as provocative as "baby-killer"; remember to emphasize with both positions. Neither are wrong.
>We all keep getting played by yes/no, right/left, binary word game slogans. The realities are so much more complex.
Correct. But to clarify - there isn't one "player" controlling the strings (if only we could be so lucky,) but warring ideological/political/corporate oligarchs that have consolidated power as an emergent phenomenon of self-interested parties.
This settles into a duopoly, with periodic swings depending on macro-level events, as naturally both sides align with a "good" and the other "bad" in an all-relative social moral grandstanding power contest.
90%+ of abortions are essentially birth control.
The moral, social, political, biological, religious, physiological, cultural, and constitutional subjectivity of the matter juxtaposed against the objective nature of (current) (nominal) child-birth is easily the most difficult topic to reach common ground between the most vocal extremes.
All the while, most people agree late-term, medically unnecessary abortions are abhorrent.
This settles into a duopoly, with periodic swings depending on macro-level events, as naturally both sides align with a "good" and the other "bad" in an all-relative social moral grandstanding power contest.
90%+ of abortions are essentially birth control.
The moral, social, political, biological, religious, physiological, cultural, and constitutional subjectivity of the matter juxtaposed against the objective nature of (current) (nominal) child-birth is easily the most difficult topic to reach common ground between the most vocal extremes.
All the while, most people agree late-term, medically unnecessary abortions are abhorrent.