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The worst I had to deal with was converting anything browser-native into data structures that would satisfy the type checker (dealing with native references), and the whole "struct or class instance" dichotomy. Specifically - when there is a lot of DOM-native input (like drag&drop events and their targets and the targets of their targets) that have to be "repackaged" into a TS tree (ending up with properties which would be a JS-version of void*).

An example of what I call "ceremony" would be

  interface BlockIndex {
    [key: string]: UploaderBlock;
  const perServerId = {} as BlockIndex;
  uploaderFiles.map((fe) => fe.blocks.map((b) => b.serverId && (perServerId[b.serverId] = b)));
While somewhat useful, this is in internal code which never gets used directly, and there are 4 lines of ceremony for 1 line of actual code.

The ceremony is caused not by typescript but your misuse of map. You don’t need to create perserverid as an object first. Instead you could flatten fe.blocks, and then filter by b.serverId and then map to a key,value array and use Object.fromEntries to turn this into a keyed object.

Something like:

    const perServerId = Object.fromEntries(uploaderFiles.flatMap(fe => fe.blocks).filter(b => Boolean(b.serverId)).map(b => [b.serverId,b]))
And typescript infers the types correctly. But I still wouldn’t write it as one line, and I’d use lodash instead.

for most frameworks these typing are built. in (eg. react).

my expectation is that there are some packages/DOM typings so you don't need to write them?

regardless, your point stands: typing external dependencies is a pain.

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