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Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with Chrome, sure enough, "Could not load the model because Error: Cannot find adapter that matches the request".

It really is too bad WebGPU isn't supported on Linux, I mean, that's a no-brainer right there.

Works for me.

WebGPU support is behind a couple flags on Linux: https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/wiki/Implementation-Status

Awesome, thanks for pointing me here.

I tested with the flags and adding the --enable-Vulkan switch, but to no avail. But I have a somewhat non-standard setup both software and hardware, so I'm not terribly surprised. (Kubuntu 22.04 on an MSI laptop with an nvidia 3060, using proprietary non-free/blob driver 535.)

I will be playing with webGPU in the coming weeks on a number of platforms, seems like a no-brainer for the current state of AI stuff.

Likewise (same error) with Chrome on Windows.

Currently running Ollama / Open WebUI and finding lama3:8B quite useful for writing snippets of powershell, javascript, golang etc.

I get the same thing on Chrome and my last generation Intel iMac.

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