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> Much of this was enabled by a willingness to throw out compatibility with nearly everything. Backwards, forwards, sideways. If I were making a bold and breaking change like this, I would sacrifice compatibility but try to make up for it by bending over backwards to catch as much of the "once working, now broken" wreckage that inevitably piled up as I could, by creating shims and compatibility stubs and transition mechanisms. I'd certainly listen to people's problems and try to work out solutions.

You do realize that systemd was the only init system that offered distributions a migration path from the sysv-rc init scripts?

daemontools, s6, openrc, upstart all did not have this. systemd was the only system caring about migration and backward compatibility...

> Poettering, as far as I can tell is more of a honey badger

As far as I know, he was the only author of an alternative init system that, for example, did actually talk to distributions to understand which problems they have. Unlike the authors of most alternatives that don't give a shit (and in turn nobody gives a shit about their init). To this day you'll find the s6 author just claim "nobody needs feature X from an init" because they themselves might not need it.

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