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Very cool! I wish there was chat history.

Also if you click the "New Chat" button while an answer is generating I think some of the output gets fed back into the model, it causes some weird output [0] but was kind of cool/fun. Here is a video of it as well [1], I almost think this should be some kind of special mode you can run. I'd be interested to know what the bug causes, is it just the existing output sent as input or a subset of it? It might be fun to watch a chat bot just randomly hallucinate, especially on a local model.

[0] https://cs.joshstrange.com/07kPLPPW

[1] https://cs.joshstrange.com/4sxvt1Mc

EDIT: Looks like calling `engine.resetChat()` while it's generating will do it, but I'm not sure why it errors after a while (maybe runs out of tokens for output? Not sure) but it would be cool to have this run until you stop it, automatically changing every 10-30 seconds or so.

Nice personal hosted image service!

I’m just using CleanShotX [0] which is an awesome image annotation tool for macOS. It’s way better than the built-in tool that macOS comes with. You can also record as a gif for video which is nice, I use it often to make guides for my day job and my business.

[0] https://cleanshot.com

I'm using flameshot ( https://flameshot.org/ ), which sounds pretty similar, but FOSS and cross platform.

Thanks for the bug report. Yeah, it’s a bug with not resetting the state properly when new chat is clicked. Will fix tomorrow.

Chat history shouldn’t be hard to add with local storage and Indexed DB.

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