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Installed iOS version. Looks like I can’t even browse content without (1) giving away email and (2) entering profile information. So I uninstalled it. Please consider showing content before you ask for personal info from the user.

i definitely get this sentiment, but as someone who's used similar apps for other stuff, i prefer knowing that people who are viewing my profile at least had some email verification

yes anyone can use a throwaway email, maybe it's all irrational, but i know from user interviews i'm not the only one who feels that way

same thing for app vs web. there's at least a feeling that scammers/hackers/creeps on the other side of the world have less access to my personal info. again maybe it's fake, but the perception is there. (otherwise generally i would prefer web > app 100 times out of 100)

App is a dealbreaker for me also. Neat idea though.

I agree, musicians are a finicky bunch. Show profiles and onboard after peaking an interest.

I agree with this sentiment as well, but my OCD requires me to inform you that the word you want is "piquing"

That is fair, I may have copied the tinder model too literally.

I disagree. People on HN won't even signup for Twitter because "reasons". I think gate keeping finicky people is fine, you should at least A/B test how likely you can encourage registration because building initial network effect for something like this is crucial.

I agree with this, don't get too bogged down by what people here think, focus on your target audience. This is the crowd that would have passed on Dropbox because it's so easy just to use rsync.

When you use rsync, you don't have to share your data with foreign intelligence.

I'm aware of the benefits of rsync but you've sort of proven the point. Regardless of the niche concerns of the HN crowd Dropbox was an extremely viable product and the company went on to make a lot of money.

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