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The reality Debian didnt want to or couldnt develop their own. The system people used them was simply shit. And the alternatives like Upstart were just crap.

Nobody forced Debian. I followed it live too. I remember him talking to Debian and he made a technical argument for it.

I had already switched to Arch and had already been using Systemd for years at that point.

The reality is, nobody was stepping up with better solutions. Would porting SMF have been better, maybe, but nobody was porting that.

There are distros with Systemd, often very compatible ones, and almost nobody uses them.

BSD folks for years have been hoping for the linux exodus over systemd and it has never happen.

And it has to be said a 1000x times. Systemd was never just init and it mever claimed it was. By now Systemd is just a software project that makes all kind of software that you can use with or without systemd the service manager.

The should just call it the "Linux Userland Software Group" and change their naming. Then people wouldnt get triggered by the term 'systemd'.

You can have whatever technical opinion you like about systemd. Fact is most people use it, including in very large organisations. And the other fact is nobody forced systemd on Debian. Whatever consipiricy was apread in 'Devel' (and elsewhere).

Thanks for confirming that I can have technical opinions about systemd, as an admin who touches more than a thousand physical servers. :)

I'll agree to disagree on the systemd's "we will replace anything and everything we even slightly dislike, and slowly make them dependent on systemd (the service manager) while not listening to you and your pesky experiences" attitude, and wish you more power for your future endeavors.

Have a nice day. :)

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