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I really doubt Amazon works the way the ceo thinks it does here, in terms of change. Can anyone vouch ?

Well, I guess they can ask. However Amazon does not seem like a ask and you shall receive sort of place.

You’ll ask, and you’ll receive your PIP.

Depends if you're corp or warehouse

Warehouse they'll just cut the badge right off you and leave security to escort you out the building

Corp if you've got anything worth left grinding out of your bones they'll PIP you then throw you out

For corporate, it makes almost no sense to do the monkey dance to try to overcome a PIP unless you’re close to your next vesting period.

The way it works is they give you a choice when you are put on PIP to either take the severance - in my case $40K - and “leave immediately” or try to work through the PIP.

If you fail the PIP you get one third of the severance amount.

You can take that or dispute it. If you dispute it you get half the third.

When I was given the option, I didn’t even give my manager the chance to explain what I needed to do to overcome the PIP. I asked them how much do I get if I sign to leave and can they send me the link.

I talked to my wife and I signed within the hour.

I knew someone would hire me either full time or at least throw a consulting contract my way (I worked on Professional Services).

Let’s just say I had multiple opportunities to choose from before my paid out PTO had elapsed let alone my severance

We actually have breakaways for safety reasons so they don't even cut em they just pull em off your lanyard lol

Sounds like they treat humans like animals. No wonder people want to unionize.

A lot of people have either straight up bad ideas or ideas that don't take into account things that people and departments outside of their immediate circle need/want.

Most people's ideas aren't novel so they won't be implemented for the same reasons they weren't last time. Occasionally, someone does come up with something new and a good manager should recognize that but the experience for the vast majority of people is that they were ignored.

Can vouch it does in most cases

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