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One possibility is that maybe they don't care about their Github account that much.

I stopped using Twitch when they started forcing 2FA. I didn't really care about my account. I only created it so that I would have a list of the streamers I follow on the left side. But logging in with 2FA was too much work just to be able to see the list, so I stopped using Twitch altogether.

Another use case is to disable Github 2FA so that I can enable 2FA on my email account:

I store my (encrypted) KeePassXC database on Github, but on a new computer I need to log into my email to be able to 2FA into Github, so I have to disable email 2FA because I store the TOTP codes on the KeePassXC database.

If Github didn't have 2FA, I would just login with my password, download the KeePassXC db, decrypt it, and be able to generate TOTP codes for my email.

> I store my (encrypted) KeePassXC database on Github

Why not signup for a cloud storage provider, and store the encrypted password there? Then shorten the link and printout both versions for you to use (the longer is if the shortened version no longer work).

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