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I wrote a plugin just like this, and every day, I have it present me with a quiz based on a summaries of the first paragraph of the pages I read over the day.

Basically, I was reading way too much Wikipedia and not actually storing much information, so I have the extension shame me if I don't remember what I read.

That's genius. Have you published this as an extension? I'd love automatically-written flashcards to quiz myself on what I've read that day...

We absorb the words in front of our eyes even if we're not conscious of it. A topic that you glossed over may come up in another context and remind you of that wiki article.

It shapes who we are.

And sometimes knowledge of the existence of a topic is valuable.

I remember seeing an article about it in HN.

I would love to mess around with this if you've published it somewhere! Folks would love it as a Show HN I bet too!

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