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> These days, everybody is talking about Devin and its threats to developers

I think we're in different spaces, because I barely hear anything about it. That said, I think the LLM replacing jobs train was blown out of proportion. I heard so much about it replacing developers, but I've seen time and time again it output code with subtle bugs (I'd argue worse than obvious bugs) and no be able to operate with more than just a little bit of context.

I think we're in a Pareto distribution situation right now. The majority of getting an LLM to write code was pretty quick to do. To get it to do anything a moderate dev can do will take decades.

I've seen it multiple times over the last 15ish months where I'm reviewing code and I spot a subtle bug in an htaccess file or a bash script that doesn't make any sense. The PR comment follow up is then "oh I got it from ChatGPT". I think these tools become assistants to a human developer who can guide them. That use case is already available and seems to be pretty decent for a lot of folks. Full replacement is so far away that I don't have a single thought about it.

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