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> A web browser and javascript is fine too.

There seem to be many online environments where you can type your {html, css, javascript} code and run it. For example, MDN has one at


(Unfortunately it has advertisements... which I suppose is incentive to learn how to use custom stylesheets.)

I wish there were an offline environment like that built into firefox. You can bring up a javascript console, but it's not really a friendly development environment. And something like visual studio code is capable but large and complicated.

Unfortunately for javascript in browsers, the browser DOM is complicated and unwieldy. It's hard for beginners to figure out the right subset/features of (html, css, javascript, DOM) that they could use to create simple apps and games.

not sure it counts as "HyperCard" but for environments there's p5js.org (https://editor.p5js.org/)

> I wish there were an offline environment like that built into firefox. You can bring up a javascript console, but it's not really a friendly development environment. And something like visual studio code is capable but large and complicated.

That seems like a day project in electron. At least to MVP. Use CodeMirror or Monaco. As long as you pass the right options you can run the user's code in an iframe in a separate process. That way you can kill it even if it has an infinite loop.

> I wish there were an offline environment like that built into firefox. You can bring up a javascript console, but it's not really a friendly development environment. And something like visual studio code is capable but large and complicated.

I use BBEdit whenever I do web stuff (caveat: not a pro web dev) — if someone wanted to learn HTML/JS from scratch, I'd suggest a plain text editor like that.

Agreed. It would be nice if more apps would build scripting in.

Krita has: https://scripting.krita.org/lessons/introduction

while for Inkscape there is: https://inkscape.org/~pakin/%E2%98%85simple-inkscape-scripti...

> I wish there were an offline environment like that built into firefox

Webmaker[1] isn't built in, but it does offer an offline code playground

[1] https://webmaker.app/

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