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> It's not clear why the request parser would have to be trusted [...] I assume you're just speaking about the call to execve running in context

No, I'm talking about the part which is going to parse the command line, arguments, environment, decide whether the user is allowed the elevation or not, decide which environment, file descriptors, etc. are to be passed through, etc. All of this must NOT be in the same context as the caller, as it can simply fake all these decisions. You need to handle this from a process running in another context (suid or not).

> While sudo is a single process, if it was two processes it wouldn't all have to run as root

Yes it would ? At least one of them would need to be suid for the actual execution. But the problem is that the process which was NOT suid would be running as the same user as the caller, so by the same reason as above -- you cannot trust what it does. The only thing the non-root process would be able to do is to massage the request a bit, then forward it (IPC!) to the root/suid process which you CAN trust. We are just moving the security border, and it is not clear what would be gained by it.

In this proposal, instead of a suid binary, you have a constantly running "sudod" process (or worse, pid 1), but otherwise is the same. Everything must be IPC'd to it.

> There are fewer thing that can leak into or be inherited by the spawned process.

To have this IPC complexity just because apparently we can't figure out how to do suid without inheriting anything is bonkers.

As a trade-off you now have a user-accessible IPC system with the _gazillion_ possible vulnerabilities it entails. At least before you needed root to talk to pid1..

> As a trade-off you now have a user-accessible IPC system with the _gazillion_ possible vulnerabilities it entails. At least before you needed root to talk to pid1..

Read the linked post again. This is all already available, and always has been, since forever.

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